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Concert Concept presents


+ Boondawg


Statement AUTUMN! :

Warsaw Berlin & Paris show will have to be rescheduled very sorry had an emergency pop out that could not be ignored had to call in favors to even get such sudden flights back home was looking forward to seeing you guys really needed this trip i was excited to hear yall sing with me and just see the looks on yalls faces seems like nothing going right rn but i will be back for all looking to add dates as well when i get there for the places i was initially gonna miss this run sorry yall but family first i hope yall can understand yall pray for me. (Instagram Autumn!)


Benjamin Clarence Phillips Jr. (born June 24, 1998), better known by his stage name Autumn! or as his producer name TwinUzis, is an American recording artist and producer from Crowley, Louisiana. He currently resides in Houston, Texas.

In an interview with Our Generation Music, Autumn! had spoke about his stage name and how he obtained the name:

I ain’t gon‘ lie, I wish I had a deep one. I wish I had like a deeper story or like a cool story. So you know, Summrs, you know that’s my brother and shit. He was rapping before me. When he was rapping, I would just produce it for him, you feel me? And I just noticed like he was catching up to me so fast and he passed me up and I was like ‘Damn, maybe I should start rapping.’ He was like ‘Bro, just start rapping.’ And I was like fuck it, I’ma just be Autumn! I ain’t even think about it, I was like shit, Autumn come after Summer, so I started rapping after you, so I’ma just be Autumn. I was joking but it just stuck, so I was like fuck it.

In that same interview, Autumn! had also spoke about his producer name TwinUzis and how he obtained the producer name:

I king of just took that as my producer name because I always thought it was still like a hard name. I dont want to leave it behind. I didn’t wanna just be Autumn! and be like ‘Oh, produced by Autumn!,’ like nah.

At the age of 11, Autumn! started producing after he taught himself using the recording program MixCraft, and has since continued to make beats after his brother moved away. Autumn! released his debut project, Happy Birthday, in June 2017 while working exclusively as a producer. His November 2018 mixtape, ##R3 ##R3, would gain traction on multiple platforms— particularly “Nina!” becoming one of his breakout songs. The Louisiana native would drop fourteen projects over three years, ending with September 2021’s Not Much Left.

Some of his affiliates include the likes of Summrs, Lil Candypaint and Izaya Tiji among others. The Houston resident would also become close with the New York artist, Lil Tecca, who would feature on the remix of one of his most streamed songs, “Still The Same!”

On December 3, 2021, he released his highly anticipated single, “One Way!” The track’s leak was heavily pushed by TikTok, gaining the artist newfound, mainstream attraction. Thanks to the huge success of “One Way!,” he would land himself a deal with Victor Victor. Autumn! would continue to release a slew of singles under the label, which led up to the release of his debut major-label album Antagonist!, released on April 29, 2022.

Following the release of Antagonist!, Autumn! released two new projects in 2022, one being the ##B4GC2 ##B4GC2 EP on July 28, 2022, which led up to his second major-label project, Golden Child, Chapter 2, released on August 26, 2022. The mixtape would be his last project with Victor Victor, as Autumn! soon left the label to become an independent artist again. Ending off 2022, Autumn! released the song “You > Them (Hate It!),” which also saw a heavy push through TikTok thanks to a snippet leak, further boosting Autumn!’s career.

Entering into 2023 as an independent artist again, Autumn! released the EP, ##B4GC3 ##B4GC3 on January 20, which would be another lead up to his sophomore studio album, Golden Child, Chapter 3, released on March 31, 2023. It originally served as the final entrance to the Golden Child series, however Autumn! has since announced a fourth installment.

Following Golden Child, Chapter 3’s release, Autumn! tried to release new music for his fans, however due to distribution issues, Autumn! was unable to release music for a bit, which ultimately caused the delay of his upcoming mixtape, Midnight Club. However, that was all fixed in July 2023, which led to Autumn! releasing the lead single for Midnight Club, “4GSELLER!” After much anticipation, on August 22, 2023, Midnight Club was released, as Autumn!’s second project of the year. He would follow up Midnight Club with two deluxe versions: Midnight Club: Dub Edition, which released on October 5, 2023, and Midnight Club: Dub Edition Remix, which was originally going to see a release on November 28, 2023, however it has since suffered numerous delays.

Entering into 2024, Autumn! would begin the new year with the release of the single “Uptown Coolin!,” which released on February 15, 2024, beginning his new rollout for his mixtape, Pretty Girls & Fast Cars. He would then release the mixtape on March 7, 2024, alongside a deluxe version titled Pretty Girls & Fast Cars: After Hours two weeks after it’s release.

Autumn! is planning to gear up for the release of Golden Child, Chapter 4, the final installment of the Golden Child series, as well as gearing up with close collaborator Summrs this year to release their fourth collaboration album, 2 Seasons 4 sometime in 2024.